Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday Morning Musings ...

Yesterday was a good day in most ways. We had a very good time of singing during our worship and the Spirit was very evident and moving. A couple of our teens shared about a recent national conference they attended and they shared well. My wife sang a special in song, and she always really ministers and sings very well. The message went well and people were very attentive and receptive. Our attendance was outstanding, and very surprising for the last Sunday in July. We also made up some ground financially from our summer slump in giving. Yesterday afternoon a group of us made the 2 hour trek to our District Campgrounds for the final service of Campmeeting. It was a very good service with a very good message (it also was a reasonable length). All in all a good day.

I was really disappointed to learn that we had a problem with our recording a week ago, therefore the sermon didn't make it on our website. I have occasionally re-preached (is that even a word?) a sermon to an empty place so we could have a recording in the past. I don't think this is one of those that I can re-do. It was not a lot from my notes, but mainly from my heart. I know that I cannot recreate the emotion that came through on that day. I am sorry about that for those of you had asked me about the recording.

There is always a different atmosphere when attendance is up at church. Yesterday we had to set up more chairs and we ran out of bulletins. I certainly wasn't expecting that many on a Sunday in July. Around here July is often our worst attendance month of the year. This July we averaged 15 more than last July. And we have had some great stuff happening in serving the community, our youth at the national conference and in conversions. It was an encouraging month, I needed that.

Here's hoping you have a great day and that you find someone to encourage today.


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