Monday, July 23, 2007

Monday Noon Musings ...

Well I did it, I didn't hold back on much as I preached yesterday. So far there have been no picketers outside of my office, but it is just past noon. The message was about moving beyond feelings and actually changing. About going past agreeing that we should do something and actually doing something to make a difference with those around you. I felt okay about the message when it was done, then as time has gone on and I have replayed it in my mind a few times (yes that really happens) I have wished I would have said some things differently. Hopefully I will be given grace and people will take into account my heart as I preached.

Yesterday was not the type of sermon the prompts the typicaly "nice sermon pastor" type comments. Which as I have posted in the past are not the type I am seeking anyway. I know that some preaching profs have said that your messages should either make people mad or glad. I am pretty sure I know which category put people into yesterday. But that is okay, because I still believe it was needed to be shared.

Our attendance was not good, maybe people got wind of what I was going to preach. We did have a couple of people attend who hadn't been there for a while, that was encouraging. There was a good spirit during our time singing.

Last night I attended our District's campmeeting service which is 2 hours away. The music portion of the service was outstanding. The rest of the service was long, but it was meaningful and impacting for several. That made for a very long day.

Here's hoping grace is shown this week. Here's hoping that you are personally moving beyond just feelings and really being changed into the image of Christ and making a difference where you are planted.


At 3:36 PM, Blogger Rob said...

Personally, I can't wait to find it posted on your church's website, so I can listen. The "Nice sermon" sermons are great, but we all need the ol' toes crunched occasionally. Keep preachin' what God tells you to, and keep swingin'. God's far from done with you and your ministry. I love ya, my brother!


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