Saturday, April 07, 2007

What a story!

While sitting in our community Good Friday service yesterday afternoon I had that phrase just keep running through my mind, "What a story"! The story, a historical fact, of Jesus Christ being crucified is remarkable. The remarkable part is not that the Roman government crucified someone. For at that time in history this was not that unusual, criminals, rebels and the lot were crucified. The Romans were good at it too. This is considered the cruelest form of capital punishment. It is extremely painful, physically and emotionally, it generally causes the person to linger near death for a long time and had to be hideous to watch. The remarkable part was not even that someone who was simply considered a religous teacher was put to death, for if anyone was considered a threat to the Roman government, or sometimes even an inconvenience might be put to death. Given the uproar that Jesus caused among the religious leaders of Jesus' time, it is not remarkable that he w0uld be falsely accused and tried.

The remarkable part of the story is that Jesus went to this willingly. He did not protest, He did not point out the discrepancies in their stories, He did not hire counsel, He did not defend himself, in fact He went to the cross willingly. He didn't do this because He was unaware of the pain, reference His time of prayer before His arrest. He knew what He was walking into, and yet He went willingly. Why, why would someone put themself in this position? I truly believe I would sacrfice myself for my wife, my children, my daughter or son-in-law, and my grandchildren. But would I do it for others? For strangers, or even more difficult for my enemies? That is the remarkable part of this story. Jesus went to the cross for everyone, including those of us who were yet to come.

Jesus even asked for forgiveness for those who were crucifying Him. Wow, what a story! Then even more remarkable, He came back to life. He is alive! As the old hymn says, "because He lives I can face tomorrow". Since He is alive I can have life and live it to the full. What a remarkable story!

Have you considered this true story for yourself? Have you accepted the life that Jesus has offered you? A life of forgiveness and adventure? Here's hoping that you will look at this story with a renewed spirit this Easter. Here's hoping you are inviting others to join you this Easter. Here's hoping your Easter is full of hope, the hope that comes from accepting Jesus' sacrfice. Here's hoping you don't get snowed out on Easter.


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