Thursday, January 29, 2009

Questions Answered ...

I already knew this, but I have been bluntly reminded recently that being the "Answer Man" is not always easy or fun. I mentioned on this blog recently that I had our teens submit questions they would like answers to, then they voted on their top 5 with the promise that I would address them in the coming weeks. I am currently teaching our youth while we are without an Associate Pastor.

Last night was the first of the questions that I addressed. I decided to tackle the easiest one first so last night I dealt with "What is my purpose?" So you can imagine of fun the next questions will be for me.

I dealt mainly with the fact that God does have a plan for them. Using Jeremiah 29:11-13 as the foundation I assured them that God's plan for them has hope and a future. I also dealt with the concern of "What if I screw up can God still use me?" That answer is a resounding YES.

It was interesting to watch faces and expressions while I shared especially as I dealt with "What if I screw up?" It is great to tell people that God loves them no matter what and that he can, and will, use them no matter the screw up if they will allow him. I used King David as one example.

It was a reasonable start to this question answering, but I am definitely in over my head with being the "Answer Man". I appreciate your prayers, in fact I am depending on them. I'll try to keep you informed with the next questions and how it goes.


At 2:54 PM, Blogger Rob said...

Amen...and I love and am thankful for the fact that God can still use "screwed-up people" like me....I'll be prayin' for ya!

At 3:45 PM, Blogger kris said...

It sounds like you are a great answer man! I think that you need to post your notes on 'what if I screwed up?' for all to read!

At 11:19 PM, Blogger Tim Morris said...

What if I screw up the answers is what I'd be worried about!
I've been out of commission this week but I'll say a prayer for you.


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