Thursday, December 04, 2008

Christmas questions ...

Last night I gave our youth a little Christmas quiz. I am still doing the youth since I have not secured an Associate Pastor yet, but I believe we are making progress in that area. The quiz was not one of those that is designed to mess with everyone's view of Christmas. This purely as a teaching tool. To tell a lot of the Christmas story through the quiz. (The old teacher in me just won't die.)

One reason I wanted to do this was because of how many of the teens who attend our youth meetings are not churched, other than this one time a week. That means that many of them have no foundation to tap into when it comes to teaching God's Word. I like that challenge but it means you must approach things differently. It means I have to be careful about assuming that they have even the most basic of Christian facts.

I really enjoyed the interaction as many of them learned a lot of new things. I enjoyed seeing some of the "churched" youth be surprised with a few facts as well.

My bottom line question was "What difference does Christmas make?"

How would you answer that question?


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