Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday Musings ...

As I reflect on all of the events of Sunday the word that keeps coming to mind is interesting. It was an interesting day. We had communion as a part of our morning worship. Communion is always a highlight. Things were a little rocky in some of routine in the service because of people not showing up or coming late or missing practices, but that happens many Sundays. It was just especially unfortunate as a part of communion, although the majority of people likely didn't notice the problems. The spirit was good, not great. Attendance was down and there were no visitors, that was disturbing. Sunday evening went well. A good spirit, and some very insightful discussion. We are doing a study on personal evangelism entitled, "I Hate Witnessing! So what do I do?" People sit around tables and there is always a question or two that they discuss or discover with the other people at their table. Our Senior High youth began a group at the Associate Pastor's house during regular service time and the report was positive from that group. After the service the wife and I had young adults, married and single, over to the house for some food and games. It was a great time. So it was an interesting day.

I admit that this morning my thoughts are dominated by those who failed to show up for things without notice yesterday and with those who came late and didn't seem to think it mattered. I am baffled by this, it is not new but I am still baffled by it. I have to work to focus on the positives from yesterday, but I am working on it. How sad that I can allow a few people to mess with my enjoyment of a pretty good day.

Well need to get back to it, much to do and plan for today.


At 4:34 PM, Blogger Kindra said...

So now I know I get that trait from you and not from mom! I definitely know I'm my mothers' daughter but I guess I'm yours too :)

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Kindra said...

Did that last comment even make sense???

At 4:41 PM, Blogger Denny said...

I understood it, so I guess you really are my daughter :)


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