My Greatest Asset ...
Some years ago my District Superintendent asked me a
question, “Do you know what your greatest asset as a pastor is?” I quickly
responded “my wife”. He smiled and said that was a good answer but it wasn’t
what he was thinking. Let me insert that he was not being derogatory toward my
wife as you will soon realize and know that I do believe my wife is a big asset
in my ministry and life. But that is for another post. My DS (District
Superintendent for the uninitiated) then said that he believed my greatest
asset as a pastor was my father.
He was on to something. I am blessed in many ways and one of
my greatest blessings is my Dad. He is a great Dad. He was a tremendous example
of what it means to be a follower of Christ. He lived his faith everyday. He
showed me how a godly husband and father looked and lived. He was my pastor for
the first 19+ years of my life. I consider myself blessed to have had him as my
pastor. I never really thought about it while it was happening but my Dad was
teaching me about being a pastor each day of my life.
For the past 29+ years I have been in ministry and it is a
rare month when I don’t receive some wisdom about pastoring or churches from my
Dad. Often I am asking him a direct question and other times he is simply
making an observation from which I learn. I am in awe of what he sees and
senses about ministry. The churches he pastored are well aware of his ministry
wisdom. My son and son-in-law are ministering in a church my Dad pastored over
40 years ago and they hear stories and compliments regularly about his ministry
in that church. I have had times when someone who knows my Dad has commented to
me that I remind them of my Dad. That is one of greatest compliments I can
imagine receiving.
Back to my DS, he explained that he believed my Dad was my
greatest asset because I could refer to him when I had questions about
ministry. He went on shared that many pastors don’t have that kind of resource
and that they didn’t have the example growing up that I enjoyed. Too often I
have taken for granted the great resource that my Dad has been in my life,
after all he is my Dad. As I said, I believe my DS is on to something.
So here is to my Dad, (one of)my greatest assets as a
pastor, as a husband, as a father, as a follower of Christ and as an all-around
good guy.
Thanks Dad.