Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday Morning Musings ...

Yesterday was an outstanding day. There was a tremendous spirit in our worship in the morning and prayer groups in the evening. Other than starting late (those who know me are aware that late is a major issue with me, and that is putting it mildly) our worship service was great. Our time of singing went well and you could really sense God's presence. The sermon went well, people seemed to be paying close attention and were really engaged all through the message. We had a few respond and come forward to pray at the conclusion of the message. There was a real sense of real progress being made as people prayed together.

The message was about surrendering to be transformed, from Romans 12:1-2. This is still part of our study on "Whatever Living". Some thoughts from the message... "surrender is not defeat" at least not in the spiritual sense. In fact surrender to God is where real victory begins. "Transformation requires a renewed mind" and the old-timers used to say that we need to get rid of our stinking thinking. Also, that "this transformation is real worship", maybe this is what is often missing in our worship services, not enough transformed worshippers. When you thought worship did not go well the first place to check is yourself, not the order or the style.

Our attendance was back to the minimum level that I feel it should be at this time. We had some new attenders and a couple who were back for the third time. That was encouraging, now if it just happen 2 or 3 weeks in a row.

Sunday evening we continued our prayer groups leading toward Easter. The time in prayer was very good again. I was very encouraged by the group at our home and heard a good report of the other group as well. There were 10 or so new people this week, of course that was offset by the 8 who didn't return.

An encouraging day.

Here's hoping you are encouraged today. Whether you are encouraged or not, look to give some encouragement to someone else today.


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