Monday, February 04, 2008

Monday Morning Musings ...

We had another good day as a church yesterday. There was a good, if not great, atmosphere as we were entering our time of worship. I thought the congregation was more enthusiastic than normal in their participation during singing. The special song before the message was very good and really set a great mood as I began to preach. Our prayer seemed to be a time where many people were really joining together in prayer. Our attendance was good, and that was with several very regular attenders absent because of illness, travel or work.

As I finished the sermon, which was a follow up to last Sunday's message on God's call to all of us to follow him. This time it focused on following him and following the vision he has for each of us. To Simon, Andrew, James and John in Mark 1 he gave them the vision of becoming "fishers of men". He is still calling us to follow him today and he has a vision for each of us as well. God is not seeking the qualified, but the willing. He will then qualify those who are willing. We must answer the call to follow first. At the conclusion I gave people the opportunity to respond by taking communion. We had a very moving time as people came forward to share in communion. I had set up our altars to the side of our worship center on Sunday, instead of in the front. Many people went to the altars before they took communion and many went after and prayed. It was a special time.

Last night we had some people over to our house to watch the Super Bowl, many watched occasionally while playing games. Two of the families are new to our church and I believe it really helped them get to know others better. It was a very good night and the bonus was a very good game to watch that went down to the last second. Plus the Patriots got beat!

Yes, it was a good day. Here's hoping you have a good day and take time to enjoy it.


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