Saturday, February 09, 2008

Current Reads ...

I have 3 books going currently. "unChristian" by Dave Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons is an outstanding study of a 3 year research project into the perceptions of Christianity and Christians by those outside of the faith. It is very convicting and eyeopening. It is not just a rant against Christianity, but a real study with analysis about how to help change some of these perceptions. I am 2/3 of the way through this one, it is a good read but not a quick read.

I have just started "Breaking the Missional Code" by Ed Stetzer and David Putman. It is a look at how the church needs to really study the community, or region, in which it is ministering. That there is a need to know the culture in order to effectively minister among the people of that area.

I am reading "Hazards of Being a Man" by Jeffrey E. Miller. I am using this with a Bible study I am doing with some men in our church. It deals with some challenges that men face that can cripple our spiritual walk. Such as misplaced priorities, deflecting responsibility,unresolved anger, absence and partial obedience to name a few.

Next on my reading list is "Simple Church" by Thom Rainer and "Pure Desire" by Ted Roberts.

What are you reading?


At 10:23 AM, Blogger Kindra said...

unChristian MUST be a really good book...I mean when we went to buy it at the bookstore they had it shrink wrapped so you couldn't open it up...and you KNOW they only do that to the good ones!


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