Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Valentine ...

Today is Valentine's Day, at least according to the calendar and Hallmark in cooperation with all florists and chocolate makers. It is a day marked, and advertised, for letting your special someone know how much you love them. I personally believe that this should happen every single day, but like me I am sure many people do not follow through on that belief. Therefore, we use this day as a day to make up for what we have failed to share enough in the past year.

My wife is awesome. She is way out of my league. I am a charter member of the "Married Way Over His Head League", in fact I am on the advisory board of this league. We have been married for 34 and 1/2 years. This has been a great 34+ years. Marked by many more highs than lows. The lows were nearly always my fault and the highs were nearly always her doing. I am a fortunate soul for sure.

My love for my wife is much deeper, higher and broader than I could ever express in a blog post, say in card, or display with gifts. I still try all of the previous methods to express my love for her but they always pale in comparison to who she is and how I feel about her.

She is my lover and my best friend. She is my greatest supporter, encourager and partner in ministry and life. She is the awesome mother of our 3 wonderful children. She is the great mother-in-law to our daughter and son-in-law whom we just consider our own children at this point. She is "that" grandma. You know the kind that the grandkids want to be around and who adores being around her grandkids.

She is fun and funny, even when she is not trying to be either. She makes me smile when just think of her. She makes my heart flutter when she speaks to me, or touches me. She is my valentine.

To my awesome wife, happy valentine's day. Also, happy every day that I get to spend with you. I love you!


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