Sunday, September 02, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me! Actually my birthday was yesterday, but not being one to call attention to myself (be quiet Ranae) nor one to solicit cards or gifts (okay a whole bunch of you need to stop laughing) I waited until after the day had passed. Yesterday was my 25th birthday, I mean my 52nd (there goes that dyslexia again). It was a really good day. I made my famous pancakes for 4 of my 5 grandkids for breakfast (hey they think my pancakes are famous). I went golfing with my son, and a good friend and his son on a gorgeous day (you would think that on my birthday they would have let me win). I played a video game with my two oldest grandkids (they destroyed me). Had a nice lunch, took a nap (hey I am 52) and then we went to a friend's pond for some swimming and fishing. I played another video game with my oldest grandson (I won, I won, I won), had a nice supper followed by the obligatory singing of Happy Birthday complete with "cha, cha, cha" (it's a family thing) enjoyed my cake, gifts and personal cards from the grandkids. Watched little football, played some Rook (my team didn't do well) ate some cherry pie my wife made for me (I love cherry pie) and went to bed with a smile on my face.

I received calls from my two daughters who couldn't come and visit, that is always appreciated and loved. My Dad called me the night before saying he wanted to get the Happy Birthday in early, I think he has earned that right. After all, he to put up with me for a long time during my early formative years (my wife has to put with me in later formative years).

So here's to birthdays, may they keep on coming. Embrace the joy they bring, even if it is the joy you bring to others who get to feel good about themselves as they celebrate your aging.


At 2:47 PM, Blogger Rob said...

Happy Birthday, my friend....and I hope you have many more just like the day you had yesterday. The older I get, the more a day like that beats just about anything.

And I think I may have an extra tix for ND purdue on the 29th at West Lafeyette....didn't know if you would be interested in going with Mark, John, and I? Let me know and we can talk about it.


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