Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sometimes it's worth it...

The "it" in the title is pastoral ministry. Today I was reminded again that sometimes it is worth. Actually I have been reminded of this several times recently. I know that some of you are upset with the thought that it is worth it only sometimes. But I am just being honest about this pastor's feelings. I know that ideologically, and theologically it is always worth it, but from the human feelings side of ministry it is a different story. But the great news is that I often, not always, get reminders that it is worth it.

It is worth it when you see and hear people giving their life to Christ. It is worth it when you see people growing in their relationship with Christ and hungry for more. It is worth it when you see people truly burdened for the lost. It is worth it when you see people step up and serve the Lord in some ministry area. It is worth it when you sense excitement in your church over changed lives and the opportunities to servce. It is worth it when you see people sacrifice for others. It is worth it when you hear the sound a herd of children or youth make when they are doing their things at church. It is worth it when you are a part of time of real prayer with others. It is worth it when you get to baptize believers. It is worth it when the people of the church are inviting their neighbors, classmates, co-workers, relatives and whoever to join them in worship. It is worth it when you hear of people you ministered with years ago are still being faithful and making an impact in their church and community. It is worth it when someone you ministered to answers the call to full-time ministry. It is worth it when people are surprised by who is attending your church. It is worth it when you see a marriage come back to life. It is worth it when you have those special times of worship where the Spirit is so evident you can feel His presence. It is worth it when God reminds you of your call. It is worth it when you get to preach the Word of God. It is worth it.

It doesn't seem to be worth when ... maybe I shouldn't go there, at least not today.

Let's just leave it today with the fact that I realize it is worth it, sometimes, and today is one of those times.


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