Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday's Musings...

I am actually typing this late Monday night in a hotel room while at conference. I left home shortly after church yesterday afternoon and have been in meetings ever since (it actually feels like longer than that). Worship on Sunday morning was awesome! There was a great spirit, people were very responsive, they were almost charismatic (that is really saying something for our group), most everything worked technologically, we had several families attend for the 2nd or 3rd time and we didn't have enough chairs set up. I have already gotten some emails about yesterdays service (all positive, how cool is that?) and some others talked with me personally.

We also had the largest Sunday School attendance we have had in quite a while. Our youth classes went out during Sunday School and did a service project that had people in town talking already. Our 3rd-4th grade Sunday School class has been doing prayer walks and they are really having an impact. Our Worship attendance was the best, with the exception of Easter, that we have had in quite a while. A sporadic attender told someone last week that when they looked around church they didn't recognize a lot of people, they added it was a good thing, but realized our church is changing and beginning to grow.

Within the first 10 minutes of arriving at my conference last night I spoke with two pastors who are really discouraged. I have since discovered that about a few more pastors. I am really feeling for those pastors and am trying to figure out if there is anything I can do besides pray for them and tell them to hang in there.

Here's hoping you are not discouraged. Here's hoping that you will encourage your pastors this week. Here's hoping that you will be encouraged this week. Here's hoping that my meetings tomorrow go better than today.


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