Friday, October 13, 2006

Stages in life ...

Yesterday I had the experience of visiting with a 96 year old who is likely in the last days, or weeks, of life. A dear saint that has lived a wonderful life and will leave a lasting legacy. Then I visited a young adult in prison. They are doing okay and appear to be making spiritual progress since being incarcerated. Then today I am leaving in a few minutes to go to the hospital and be with a family as a middle-aged man (I wrote a little about this in my previous post) has heart bypass surgery. What contrasts those 3 visits are, what a difference in stages of life. Not just their ages, but where they are in their journey with the Lord. The man who is having surgery today is a great Christian guy who I really appreciate. They are all following Christ, the one in prison has had some pretty dramatic changes in recent months.

What stage are you in, in your life, in your journey of faith? Where will your next stage take you? We all need to think about where we are and where we are headed, now and for eternity. We do have choices and each of the three people I mentioned above have had choices. It has been said that we are the sum total of our choices up till this point. What choices are you making? Where will those choices lead you? How will those choices impact those you care the most about?

Here's praying that you make godly choices that have a lasting impact.


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