Thursday, March 18, 2010

Don't Panic ...

Some of my recent posts have stirred a lot of thoughts and questions among those who read it and those to whom they have shared their impression of what I wrote or what they think I meant by what I wrote. I think that is great. I love to stir things up and help get people thinking of things differently, or evaluating their comfortable spaces. However, a few people have been really shook up by some of what I have shared. Some have thought I was mad at them specifically. Some have worried that I was cracking up (always a valid concern for me I guess). Some have worried about me and what I am going to do next. Some haven't read anything I have written, so they don't understand all the fuss.

Let me just say Don't Panic. I am not fine and that is a good thing. God is working on me, in fact I have complained that He seems to be putting in overtime on me recently. I don't know what all of this means for the future, but I am excited to find out, I think. It can't be bad when God is working on me can it? (The correct answer is no, in case you were still pondering the question.)

The panic should be when God is not working on me. That would mean I am not listening, and if I am not listening I am not likely to be following His plan. This is a painful time for me as God is reforming me. But it is also awesome.

I think some of the panic is because we in the church are not used to seeing, or hearing, too many other believers being open and honest about struggles and about wrestling with God. This is especially true of those of us who are called Pastor. Sadly it seems to me that this should be normal, not surprising. Some will say that I should work these things out in private. That makes me laugh. First, you have no idea of how much I am not sharing with you of my wrestling. Second, part of my reforming and repairing comes from my interaction with other Christ followers who comfort or confront me. It is that whole iron sharpening iron thing that the Bible mentions.

So don't panic. Enjoy the ride. Help the cause. While you are at it, ask God what you should be wrestling with and how you should be reformed. You might be surprised.

Here's to the journey.


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