Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Busy Week

This has been, and will continue to be, a very busy week. With funeral visitations, counseling as a result of sudden deaths, and this in the midst of other regular stuff such as Wednesday night Bible Study, Sunday School lesson, Sermon preparation and small group lesson. Such is the life of a pastor.

Interesting in dealing with 4 deaths ranging in age from 16, to 19, to 50, to 78 and that 2 of them were sudden and shocking and 2 of them were anticipated. There are so many emotions that come out at the loss of a loved one and helping people sort through and them is so important.

Here's hoping that God will give you the words to minister to those in circle as they go through difficult times and that you will pray for those going through these agonizing times.

Thanks for praying.


At 4:55 PM, Blogger Rob said...

Here's hoping God gives you the words to minister to the families and friends at those funerals...and praying that God uses you to reach some for Him.


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