Saturday, August 06, 2011

Overwhelmed...but Intriqued

The last few days, actually the last few weeks, I have become overwhelmed by the situations many people find themselves in and from the choices others are making. The weight of the burdens is impossible to describe. I have been a pastor long enough to know that some of what I am feeling just comes with the territory of being a pastor. But I must confess that after 28+ years of ministry I believe this is the heaviest burdens I ever recall carrying. The great news is that I serve a God who can handle anything I bring to him and that he calls me to hand my burdens over to him. My prayer life is certainly growing through all of these burdens.

Part of the overwhelming is that Chist is really working on me about me. He is showing me areas that need refining, areas that need to be removed and areas in which I need to move into. This is exciting, scary and necessary. Again this is impacting my prayer life in a positive way.

So I am overwhelmed but intriqued to see what God is going to do.


At 3:50 PM, Blogger Rob said...

didn't read this until today...but praying specifically for you in this area...keep swinging, my brother..


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