Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Monday Musings ... on Tuesday

Sunday was a very good day in the midst of a lot of turmoil. There is, and has been, a lot going on in many people's lives. A lot of big things going on. Worship Sunday morning was intertwined with one of those big things. My wife stepped in to lead worship since our worship leader made an emergency overnight trip to see and care for adult children who had an accident. The spirit in worship was powerful right from the beginning. I am convinced it was because so many people have been in extra prayer this week for all of the big things going on, at least the ones they are aware of, and our hearts were already ready to hear from God.

We had a very special and powerful prayer time early in our worship. We had 2 people in attendance who we had recently been praying for who had been in a coma. These were separate situations where the coma's were for entirely different reasons. It was time to rejoice, gain confidence in the power for prayer and to keep remembering them as they recover.

Our attendance was reasonable, partly because we also had a child dedication. I love baby/child dedications.

The sermon was #2 in the series "Why This Waste?", using Matthew 26:6-13 as the foundation. Last week we looked at "the facts" from this passage and asked everyone to examine the facts in their own life. Is Jesus present: Are you giving him your best, completely and irrevocably? Are you holding out for a refund promise in case things don't go the way you think they should?

This week we also looked at this incident from John 12, especially the phrase in verse 3, "...and the house was filled with the fragrance...", asking what is your life filled with and what is your fragrance?

The Filling: There must be an infilling in order to be full. What have you chosen to be filled with? We need to be filled with Christ and his Holy Spirit. You will be filled with whatever you immerse yourself in, or nothing at all. What you are filled with becomes obvious when the vessel is squeezed and especially when it is broken. What came out the last time you were squeezed or broken by circumstances.

The Fragrance: What aroma are you sharing as you live? Is it the aroma of Christ, or the aroma of your own desires? Is it the fragrance of our loving Lord, or the smell of self? Does it attract others to Christ, or repel them from him? Is your fragrance one of service or of demand? Do you seek to serve others in the name of Jesus, or do you expect others to notice your needs and serve you?

Remember: Pouring yourself out for Christ will often be misunderstood. Pour yourself out anyway. Great service is done and great things accomplished when ...
You Care more than others think is wise;
You Risk more than others think is safe;
You Dream more than others think is practical and
You Expect more than others think is possible.

What are you filled with? What are you leaving behind?


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